Wednesday, December 5, 2007

It's Been A While...

Helloie Ya'll!

It has been a super long time since we have written and kept you in the loop via blog. BUT, you must know that we have also been super busy. We still haven't written about Vietnam yet, and since then we have had a lot happen. We have been to Tokyo and back, our parents have come and gone, Hallowe'en happened, we climbed one of the most famous mountains in So-Ko, and my Uncle Scott just left this morning! Also, last week was my birthday and this weekend we had a little birthday shindig which was super fun!

Christmas is quickly approaching and this week we are singing Christmas Carols with all our students! The semester is coming to an end, thank goodness, because 6 months is just too long for a semester. Many of the kids are sick of us and vice versa! Also, last week was my birthday and this weekend we had a little birthday shindig which was super fun! There is just so much going on! Next weekend we are going on an organized snowboarding trip too, so it should be fun! :)

I sent out a little update email to some family members and a few others, so I am just going to blog it here as well. We will start updating the blog more, we promise.

Ian and I went to Tokyo and it was incredible. You MUST go there at some point in your life. I had such an amazing time, just people watching and exploring. It was a total switchup from iur Southeast Asia trip but it was cool to have a trip where it was less sightseeing and more just experiencing the life in Japan. We went to some really cool pleaces and we both ended up buying Nintendo DS!! We have been having a blast with it because we bought the Super Mario Brothers game too, but we are still trying to decifer the Japanese owners manual!!

Harajuku was definitly my favourite part if Tokyo and the shopping was amazing! The girls dress up there like it is Hallowe'en everyday and the individuality was so refreshing as Korea can be very rigid. Girls in Harajuku dress in goth, Little Bo Peep, Alice in Wonderland... the list goes on... it has the vibe of acceptance and uniqueness. You'll have to check out the pics on facebook if you ever have a chance!The pictures can be found on the following links for those of you who don't have Facebook:


We found the people in Tokyo to be very friendly and courteous. Tokyo was very clean and cabs were veryyyy expensive! We took the subway for the entire time except once, but the subway is more expensive then Korea's subway system.

Hallowe'en was really fun to do with out students because they don't really celebrate Hallowe'en here, so the kids loved it when we brought in our Jack O' Lanterns and treats. I made masks with my students, and taught the older students how to write scary stories. It was a tiring, but incredibly fun week! I have attached a few pictures from that as well!The following weekend, Ian, me and some friends (including Waterbuffalo Josh- he is organzing it) went on a hiking trip to the most famous mountain in South Korea. It is apparently beautiful this time of year.

The Hiking Pictures:

We also had American Thanksgiving with our fellow foreign teachers. Check out the pics here:

Then, after that, my dad and stepmom along with Ian's parents came to visit! I will send pictures from that soon! It was a super fun, tiring week. It was so great that they were able to come visit us! And my uncle Scottcame yesterday on his way home from a business trip for a day!!!

Pictures with the parents:

Then last week it was my birthday and we celebrated this weekend in one of the bar districts. Other then that, time is flying by here! We have been here for almost 7 MONTHS !!!

Anyway, there is a little update from us. Cheers... You'll be hearing from us again soon!

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