Sunday, December 16, 2007

Snowboarding Trip

On the weekend of December 15th, we went on another "Adventure Korea" trip. If you have read past posts about some of the trips we have taken like Mud Festival and White Water Rafting/Bungee Jumping, then you may remember us mentioning the tour company we went with, Adventure Korea. They run trips to various mountains, festivals, events, and tourist spots in and mostly outside of Seoul. The trips are for foreigners in Korea and are usually a reasonable price. This weekend we went about 2.5/3 hours outside of Seoul to a ski and snowboarding resort called Phoenix Park. It was a really impressive resort, complete with an indoor/outdoor hot springs spa, pools, a bowling alley, lots of food selections (yeah, North American goodness!) and restaurants and pubs. We slept in a room with 6 other people, and we all had our own bunk beds!

We rented our equipment first and then headed to the hills. Ian, Melissa and I all got afternoon and night passes, along with a bunch of other people we met. I didn't go boarding last winter, so I was a little nervous about my skill level, but overall I was actually surprised with myself! It was super fun and the hills were a lot bigger than we expected. The scenery was beautiful, with loads of mountains in the distance and a nice bright sun. For the afternoon, it was pretty much Ian, Melissa, a friend named Sarah and me. We met a really cool guy from South Africa named Louis, for those of you who know our friend Pat Davis from Laurier, he actually looks a bit like him, except his blond hair is a bit longer. It was his first time seeing snow, and he was so excited to hear that we have had the opportunity to make snowmen every winter for our entire lives! It was funny. Really nice guy though.

After our afternoon of snowboarding, we had a two hour break before night skiing, so we went into the lobby of the hostel and asked people around us if they wanted to help us make a room of eight. Our room ended up consisting of Ian and I, 2 Korean girls, Sarah, Melissa, a girl named Susan and another guy named Ian, who we found out lives really close to us. We hung out there for a while, and then the group of us who bought the night pass peeled our tired bodies off the bunk beds where we had been lounging and had to the slopes, stopping for some nasty microwaved hamburgers on the way. (I couldn't' bring myself to eat it.... I tried, and failed. Ian, on the other hand, ate two.)

Night boarding was a lot of fun, and it ended up me me, Ian, Melissa and our new friend Ian. The slopes were a lot icier and faster at night, even though our rented boards were not waxed!!! It was probably a good thing! The one thing that was a downer was that I lost my camera. My baby :( However I did buy the exact same model at a Canon store right before Christmas for A LOT cheaper than I bought it in Canada for! And I got a whole bunch of extra stuff with it.

Anyway, the next morning some of our group when to the Hot Springs spa and other lounged. We packed up, grabbed our bags, some grub (Popeye's Chicken?! Haha) and got back on the back. Ian and I prepared ourselves for the long ride by taking out our Nintendo DS (we each bought one in Tokyo) and kicking off our shoes. The ride home was the best and shortest yet! *(Usually traffic in Korea on Sunday heading back into Seoul is RIDICULOUS!)

So that was a really fun weekend! Hopefully you guys have had some good boarding/skiing experiences this winter too! Hope you guys are all enjoying the holidays! Miss you!

P.S. Alright, so Meaghan wanted me to mention the Beavertails, because she saw my pictures and thought they were worth mentioning. The truth is 1- I wrote this blog on two different dates and didn't re-read all of what I wrote before, and didn't want to repeat myself, thinking I had already written about it. 2- I had some awesome pictures of the Beavertails on my camera, which I lost later that night. I don't want to even think about it because it makes me sick :( Some maybe that is why I didn't mention it... Oh, who cares! But anyway, new camera is bought (exact same) so all is well.
So here you are Megs :)

Anyway, there was a "True Canadian Beavertails" vendor at the slopes. Melissa, Ian and I, being the only Canadians other than Sarah who we lost that afternoon, were extremely excited. We immediately charged up to the vendor and demanded some freshly made Beavertails. The man who worked there went on to tell us in broken English how he went to Ottawa after he heard his Beavertails weren't good to get the right formula down. So he improved his Beavertail potion and brought it back to Korea with him. (Or so the story goes) Turns out, as he handed us the "Beavertails" that they were warmed up buns with no top, drizzled in warm chocolate. (You could also get nuts, blueberry sauce and some other kind. Strange!) They were fine, but DEFINITELY not a true Beaver Tail! We laughed as the chocolate froze on Melissa's "Beavertail" because it was so cold out, and also because it was pretty much chocolate freezing onto a bun.

They fry EVERYTHING in Korea. SO many of the vendors- fried! The fry PUMPKIN for Pete's sake! Yet they make Beavertails out of microwaved buns? Oi, vie!

To check out the pictures from Snowboarding, Christmas and School, check out:

XOXO- Miss Ya'll!

P.P.S... Did I mention that there were big screen tv's on the main hills?! Welcome to Korea! The town the resort was in is where they actually wanted to have the Olympics, so it was pretty nice!! Apparently they are trying again! See the picture at the top to see the big screens!

Friday, December 7, 2007

I'm really ambitious

I am being super ambitious and blogging two days in a row... can you believe it?

I just emailed my old roomie Rexy and told her a little about my day today, so I thought I would give you guys a similar summary incase you are interested!

I had a great day with my classes today. We are doing Christmas Carols this week, and Christmas cards next week. We made cds and printed our lyrics to all the typical Christmas tunes, and the students loved it. BUT, I also printed out a Britney Spears Christmas song worksheet (fill in the blank type thing) for when I played the song in class and the kids LOVED it!!! (You may or may not know her Christmas song! It is really cute, I recommend it... "Santa can you hear me? I have been so good this year..." blablabla) So, my classes made me play that song on repeat about 13 times in each class or something. Haha, it was so ridiculous. They were also requesting Mariah's "All I want for Christmas" classic, but I dodn't have time to make my own cd and used other teachers, so that song didn't make an appearance in my classes today. next week fr sure though! I am also going to add some Hilary Duff to the mix, you know, to spice things up!

Ian and our friend Andy said their students weren't really into it. I was surprised to hear that, because even my oldest students were loving it! They were shouting out requests and be-bopping along to the beat! Leah mentioned that her students are depressed, so I am assuming tomorrow may be a better day for Christmas caroling with her classes! Haha. Maybe my classes tomorrow will react opposite of the way my Thursday classes acted.

They love bubblegum pop so it shouldn't have surprised me!!! It was too funny. Once they filled in the blanks from the songs I gave out "Shrimp chips." They are nasty! They are this Korean snack, similar potato chips but they are shaped more like more like long, skinny (kinda) Cheetos with ridges and are SHRIMP flavoured! So grossss!

I love doing stuff like this in the classes, it makes teaching so much more fun and the kids are actually having a good time too. The day goes by a lot faster too. Anyway, that is another little update, if anyone is still even reading this! ;) I will be uploading pictures soon from December in Korea and I will upload the videos onto facebook from the Students singing along to Britney Spears's Christmas.

Hope all is well....Cheers!
Happy "Holla"days!

Wednesday, December 5, 2007

It's Been A While...

Helloie Ya'll!

It has been a super long time since we have written and kept you in the loop via blog. BUT, you must know that we have also been super busy. We still haven't written about Vietnam yet, and since then we have had a lot happen. We have been to Tokyo and back, our parents have come and gone, Hallowe'en happened, we climbed one of the most famous mountains in So-Ko, and my Uncle Scott just left this morning! Also, last week was my birthday and this weekend we had a little birthday shindig which was super fun!

Christmas is quickly approaching and this week we are singing Christmas Carols with all our students! The semester is coming to an end, thank goodness, because 6 months is just too long for a semester. Many of the kids are sick of us and vice versa! Also, last week was my birthday and this weekend we had a little birthday shindig which was super fun! There is just so much going on! Next weekend we are going on an organized snowboarding trip too, so it should be fun! :)

I sent out a little update email to some family members and a few others, so I am just going to blog it here as well. We will start updating the blog more, we promise.

Ian and I went to Tokyo and it was incredible. You MUST go there at some point in your life. I had such an amazing time, just people watching and exploring. It was a total switchup from iur Southeast Asia trip but it was cool to have a trip where it was less sightseeing and more just experiencing the life in Japan. We went to some really cool pleaces and we both ended up buying Nintendo DS!! We have been having a blast with it because we bought the Super Mario Brothers game too, but we are still trying to decifer the Japanese owners manual!!

Harajuku was definitly my favourite part if Tokyo and the shopping was amazing! The girls dress up there like it is Hallowe'en everyday and the individuality was so refreshing as Korea can be very rigid. Girls in Harajuku dress in goth, Little Bo Peep, Alice in Wonderland... the list goes on... it has the vibe of acceptance and uniqueness. You'll have to check out the pics on facebook if you ever have a chance!The pictures can be found on the following links for those of you who don't have Facebook:


We found the people in Tokyo to be very friendly and courteous. Tokyo was very clean and cabs were veryyyy expensive! We took the subway for the entire time except once, but the subway is more expensive then Korea's subway system.

Hallowe'en was really fun to do with out students because they don't really celebrate Hallowe'en here, so the kids loved it when we brought in our Jack O' Lanterns and treats. I made masks with my students, and taught the older students how to write scary stories. It was a tiring, but incredibly fun week! I have attached a few pictures from that as well!The following weekend, Ian, me and some friends (including Waterbuffalo Josh- he is organzing it) went on a hiking trip to the most famous mountain in South Korea. It is apparently beautiful this time of year.

The Hiking Pictures:

We also had American Thanksgiving with our fellow foreign teachers. Check out the pics here:

Then, after that, my dad and stepmom along with Ian's parents came to visit! I will send pictures from that soon! It was a super fun, tiring week. It was so great that they were able to come visit us! And my uncle Scottcame yesterday on his way home from a business trip for a day!!!

Pictures with the parents:

Then last week it was my birthday and we celebrated this weekend in one of the bar districts. Other then that, time is flying by here! We have been here for almost 7 MONTHS !!!

Anyway, there is a little update from us. Cheers... You'll be hearing from us again soon!