Trust me, we are trying to keep you all informed of our whereabouts and events here, but nothing really exciting has been
I guess when you live somewhere new, after a while you just get settled. It can be an entirely new and dramatic experience for you, it can be a culture shock or even feel just backwards for a bit. But once you get into a routine, especially when you work in that certain place, it just becomes your life style. And you just become settled and comfortable. I think that is our current mode.
There is one thing that is really hard to get accustomed to here, though. That is, things come and go in Korean so quickly. Friends, students, places...
In our neighbourhood, for example, there was an amazing non-fat yogurt place called Red Mango. It is a chain here, and I think it actually might be Japanese, but don't quote me. The employees would top the vanilla yogurt with whatever you desired- watermelon, mango, kiwi, cocoa puffs, bananas, chocolate chips... the list is endless. (However, some of those ingredients may take away from the "non fat" part about the yogurt!) Anyway, I walked by it last week and to my surprise- and dismay- it was closed! I later found out that yet ANOTHER cell phone store is going in its place! It makes me really upset! :(
There was also a cute mandu place that Ian and Andy really liked on our neighbourhood corner. It was closed down and replaced by an Etude House. Etude House is a makeup and body store chain in Korea, so I was satisfied to learn that it was coming to our neighbourhood, but at the same time it is really sad to see little family-run businesses going under all the time here.
Occurrences such as these happen weekly in our neighbourhood. Two more little Korean food places were closed down last week, and already new clothing stores have replaced them.
As far as friends, everyone homes here at a different time, on different contracts. You can make room in your heart for people, and before the blink of an eye, they are gone. It is really hard to deal with sometimes. Fortunately, most of the people that has happened with so far are from Ontario, so at least we know there is a lot of time in the future to keep building on these friendships. People like Mark, Julia, Anne and Colin are people Ian and I wish we had more of a chance to hang out with. Even Julianne and Eric, who were here for less then a week, we wish we could have gotten to know better! I guess that is just the way it is here, though. Goodbye party, after goodbye party!
We are REALLY happy that our friends Leah and Andy have extended their
contract, however. It seems like all of our friends at our school and our surrounding branches have come within the past few months, so we are all going to be here for a while. I am really pumped about that. I keep thinking about Christmas and how difficult it is to be away from our families, and then I think of our little family here and I know it won't be so bad!
Miss you all... Much love.
Goodbye Parties and Other Summer Stuff:
Welcomes, Goodbyes, and other fun stuff:
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